Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • Free Graduate Seminars in Academic Writing

    During the 2016-17 academic year, the University Writing Center will offer no-cost seminars in academic writing for UConn graduate students. The seminars will function as an interactive workshop, and, while there will be some direct instruction and individual conferences, the seminars will adopt neither a lecture nor skills-and-drills format.

    Learning to write well takes time, commitment, and experience, and while no single course can do the job alone, this 5-week seminar will give participants guided practice in becoming more skilled writers of research and scholarship. Students must come with a working project (for example, a dissertation chapter, journal article, grant proposal, or course paper) because they will apply the strategies covered in class to that ongoing project throughout the five weeks.

    These free seminars do not carry UConn academic credit, nor are they graded. We simply aim to help graduate students improve their writing in ways that will serve them well in their academic careers.

    The first session will run on Tuesdays, September 6th through October 4th from 1pm to 4pm. (Later sessions will run on Wednesdays in October and November, and on Thursdays in February and March.) You will be expected to commit to attending each week for the full meeting.

    Important Details About the Seminar:

    Applicants must be full-time, degree-seeking UConn graduate students. International graduate students are welcome.
    Participants are expected to commit 3 additional hours per week (outside of the meeting time) to complete assignments and to peer review the drafts of others.
    Submission of a working draft (at least 5 double-spaced pages) is required prior to the beginning of the session.
    Submission of a $100 deposit check is required (it will be refunded upon satisfactory completion of the seminar, which is based solely on attendance and participation).

    For full consideration, please submit your application by August 23rd. Applications submitted after that date will be considered if spaces are available.

    Course enrollment is limited to 20 students per session. If we receive more applications than there are seats available (which is likely), we will make decisions about enrollment based on seniority, the urgency of the proposed project, the degree of fit between the course and the applicant’s writing project, the application submission date, and the motivation of the applicant. We expect to inform applicants about acceptances and session assignments within one week of the submission deadline.

    Apply online by clicking on the link below:

    If you have any questions, please contact us at:

    These seminars are made possible through funding from the Graduate School and the University Writing Center. Other opportunities for graduate writing support include: individualized tutorials, graduate writing retreats, dissertation boot camps, and workshops. For details on graduate writing support, please visit our website:
    For more information, contact: Eleanor Reeds at