Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • 8/29 Graduate Writing Course for Non-Native Speakers

    This non-credit course is designed for UConn graduate students who are non-native English speakers and writers. The purpose of the course is to develop essential skills for writing research papers appropriate to participants’ academic disciplines. Topics will include positioning, moving from general to specific and from problem to solution, discussing data, summarizing and critiquing, and improving writing though the process of producing multiple drafts. Interactive and collaborative activities will build awareness of common grammatical forms and linguistic conventions of scholarly works, ability to analyze, cite and respond to others’ work, and strategies and resources to support ongoing proofreading and self-editing.  Although the course is not designed to be an editing portal for work in other courses, research topics, readings and assignments will draw from participants’ current coursework and academic interests. Following an initial face-to-face meeting, the course will be delivered online through HuskyCT.

    UCAELI Online Academic Writing Course (AELI NC600)

    Dates:  9/25/16 to 12/5/16

    Fee:  $350

    Instructor:  Stephanie Barefield

    Class size is limited to 15.

    For more information, contact: Alexandra Schipani - UCAELI at