Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 2016 National Postdoc Appreciation Week Datablitz

    The Graduate School and the UConn Storrs Postdoc Association issue a call for abstracts for a datablitz session and luncheon being held on Friday, September 23rd, from 8:30-1:30pm. The event is being held as part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week, September 19-23, 2016.

    We have allotted time for 10 research talks as five minute, datablitz presentations. To submit a datablitz proposal for consideration, please follow link:.


    Abstracts must contain the specific goals of the study, methods used, summary of the results and conclusions. The data must be collected and analyzed before submission; we will not consider abstracts for incomplete studies. The deadline for submitting an abstract is September 2nd.


    Not only will presenters have their abstracts published in the online program booklet, but this is a great opportunity to get feedback on your research and develop your "elevator pitch". Being able to summarize your research is a usable skill for networking and job interviews.


    Each postdoc presenter will receive a certificate of participation and will be eligible for cash prizes that could be used towards professional development*. The goal of the datablitz session during Postdoc Appreciation Week is to allow the UConn community to recognize the important contributions of postdoctoral research.



    *The Graduate School reserves the right to determine the appropriate use of funds. Funds may not be used for conference travel.


    Three prizes will be awarded: 1st Prize-$2000, 2nd. Prize-$1500, 3rd. Prize $1000.

    For questions and more information, please contact Rowena Grainger at

    For more information, contact: Rowena Grainger at