Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Weight Loss Study: Human Subjects Requested

    Are you and your spouse ready to lose weight and feel better?

    The University of Connecticut is conducting a no-cost research study designed to help couples lose weight together through healthy eating and physical activity.  Medication is not used in this study.


    Program Details:

    • Private weigh-ins and personalized feedback
    • Group meetings in Storrs, CT with your spouse
    • Small compensation for completing follow-up assessment visits
    • Childcare provided 

    To qualify, you must be:

    • 18 years or older 
    • Married or living with a significant other who wants to lose weight


    Contact the UConn Weight Management Lab now to learn more about this FREE 6-month program and to schedule an appointment for July, 2016.


    (860) 486-0995 or

    This study has been approved by the UConn IRB, protocol # H15-017



    For more information, contact: UConn Weight Management Lab at 860-486-0995 or