Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Neag School Announces Dean's Research Awards

    The Dean’s Office at the Neag School of Education is very pleased to announce the recipients of the 2017 Dean’s Research Incentive Awards (DRIA). The purpose of the Dean’s Research Incentive Awards (DRIA) is to enhance research activity in the Neag School of Education.  Faculty will use the funds for seed projects that facilitate acquisition of external funding.  These awards will promote, support and enhance the research, scholarship and creative endeavors of Neag faculty in the strategic areas within the Neag Academic Plan (Creativity & Innovation, Equity & Social Justice, STEM Education, and Educator Quality & Effectiveness).

    Our team of reviewers included four faculty members with cross-departmental support.  Reviewers were assigned based on expertise and department.  Following individual reviews and written feedback, summary discussion across all reviewers occurred to make final funding decisions.

    Of the submitted proposals, the Associate Dean is pleased to announce support for 3 awards for a total of $14,129 in support:

    • Single PI Awards:  2 awards
    • Multi-PI Awards:  1 award


    The 2017 DRIA awardees are:

    Michele Back, PI, Translanguaging and Multilingual Ecology:  Scaffolding Success in Linguistically Diverse Schools
    Amount:  $4,970


    Milagros Castillo-Montoya, PI, Teaching Through Diversity:  Faculty Professional Development for Teaching Racially and Ethnically Diverse College and University Students
    Amount:  $5,000


    Cara Bernard and Joseph Abramo, Co-PIs, Diversifying Music Educators:  Creating Frameworks and Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Urban Students and Students of Color
    Amount $4,334

    For more information, contact: Sandy Chafouleas at