Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Update on the UConn-Cuba Initiative

    Huge Progress Towards the UConn-Cuba Research Initiative

    Dr. Tania Huedo-Medina (Director of the forthcoming InCHIP Center which will study Ibero-American health, and InCHIP Biostatistics Core Director) and Dr. Jeffrey Fisher (Director at InCHIP, and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor) returned last week from an extremely successful and productive trip to Cuba with exciting news and updates.

    They were in Havana, Cuba attending the National Conference of the Cuban Psychological Society, where over 1,500 participants from around the world, and experts from more than 50 countries attended. After the conference, Dr. Huedo-Medina and Dr. Fisher were asked to give a presentation on the Model for Conceptualization and Implementation of Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills among Drug Abusers at the University of Havana Medical Sciences. This is one of the top medical universities in Cuba, and an article about their presentation appeared on the front page of the University’s website.

    Dr. Huedo-Medina and Dr. Fisher are in the process of drafting agreements for future research activities between UConn and the University of Havana, the University of Havana Medical Sciences, The Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, the Psychology Association of Cuba, the Center for Academic Development on Drug Addiction (CEDRO), the Institute of Animal Science (ICA), and the National Center for Agricultural Health (CENSA). All of these institutions in Cuba are excited to collaborate with the University of Connecticut on multiple research topics which will be announced shortly, but which include a broad variety of health, agricultural, and business topics. Dr. Huedo-Medina and Dr. Fisher will be looking to find partners throughout UConn who have the availability to travel to Cuba in the future for networking events where all collaborators will be able to meet and discuss the collaborations in detail.

    More details on their progress to come!

    Many thanks for all of the help and support that UConn, InCHIP, the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources and it’s Dean Gregory Weidemann, the Global Affairs Department and its Director Daniel Weiner, and the Office of the Vice President of Research and Jeff Seemann have invested in this initiative. The guidance from these people and departments have helped make this initiative possible.

    If you are interested in becoming involved with the UConn-Cuba Initiative, or would like more information, please contact Aviana Rosen, the Project Coordinator for the Cuba Initiative:

    For more information, contact: Aviana Rosen at