Special Events and Receptions

  • 6/6 Chimney Swift Conservation Night at Willi Brewpub

    Willibrew is for the Birds! It’s Chimney Swift Conservation Night at the Willimantic Brewing Company in Willimantic! Join the University of Connecticut’s Dr. Margaret Rubega, the state ornithologist, and the CT D.E.E.P. Migratory Game Bird Program Leader, Min T. Huang, and their team, as they share their knowledge about these amazing birds known as “Flying Cigars”. Swifts go to roost in spectacular group displays of flight ability, and at sunset UConn and DEEP staff will lead groups to view the birds entering the Windham Town Hall and The Nathan Hale Building chimneys. You’ll learn why Willimantic is so important to the swifts, and how you can help the birds locally. The brewmaster will be tapping a specially brewed beer, Flying Cigar Ale, and donating a portion of the proceeds from each one sold to conservation efforts for the swifts. So come enjoy dinner and a lovely night on the patio at this family-friendly event, take a short walk at sunset to watch a fascinating animal spectacle, and help raise money for a great cause! Make your dinner reservations today 860-423-6777 as this is a very popular event!

    For more information, contact: Margaret Rubega at 860-486-4502