University Policy Information

  • Employment & Contracting for Service of Relatives

    The State Code of Ethics for Public Officials states a conflict of interest exists when a state employee, in the discharge of their official duties, is required to take an action that would affect a financial interest of the employee, the employee’s family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child or spouse of a child), or a business with which the employee is associated.

    The Policy on Employment and Contracting for Service of Relatives was established to protect against such conflicts and complaints, and to provide for the ethical and legally consistent treatment of individuals with relatives seeking employment or who are employed by the University.

    Employees are required to disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest to the appropriate University officials in order to resolve the conflict. The full policy, procedure, and conflict of interest disclosure form are available at:

    For more information, contact: OACE at (860) 486-2530.