Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 5/13-5/15 "The Superhero Within"

    The University of Connecticut’s Puppet Arts Program and Department of Dramatic Arts present The Superhero Within, an entertaining and informative hand puppet production created by Puppet Arts MFA candidate Anatar Marmol-Gagné. The Superhero Within will be presented at The Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry located at 1 Royce Circle, Storrs, CT according to the following schedule:

    Friday, May 13, 7:00pm

    Saturday, May 14, 1:00pm & 3:00pm

    Sunday, May 15, 3:00pm: Show; 3:30pm: Talkback

    The Superhero Within presents a final test at Superhero Academy, which is threatened by evil.  The young superheroes-in-training contend with the dangerous intrusion and discover that the strength they need is not physical; they carry it from within.

     This show is a hand puppet production focused upon active shooter safety awareness training designed for children from Pre-K to 6th grade. The Superhero Within carefully draws from the core protocol established by FEMA, and is presented to young school children in a non-threatening puppet play. It is the story of three characters, who reveal to one another, through playful interaction, their own discovery of superpowers. The superpowers they demonstrate are abilities that we all possess—our own senses. This production focuses on how to be aware of surroundings by using the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and intuition. The Superhero Within is a bilingual production, which can be performed in English or Spanish.

    The Superhero Within is a puppet production for all ages. Admission is free. Seating is limited. 

    For more information, contact: Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at (860)486-8580 or