Technology and Computing

  • UConn/Core-CT HCM Project-Time & Labor Town Halls

    Attention all University of Connecticut Timecard Approvers and Timekeepers:

    This serves as a reminder that the UConn/Core-CT HCM Integration Project will be hosting Town Halls on Time and Labor this week. Please refer to the details below.

    The UConn/Core-CT HCM Integration Project integrates University of Connecticut human resources and payroll functions into the State’s Core-CT system. As part of this upcoming integration, all UConn Employees who currently submit a timecard will have the ability to enter their time using a self-service feature in Core-CT.

    The UConn/Core-CT HCM Integration Project will be hosting Town Halls for Time Approvers and Timekeepers to provide a preview of the following:

    • Approving Time

    • Managing Exceptions          

    • Approving Leave Requests

    In order to accommodate schedules, the UConn/Core-CT HCM Integration Project will offer the Time and Labor Town Hall on two separate dates. There is no formal registration for these Town Halls.  The below schedule provides the session number, date, and location of each workshop:




    Time and Labor – Town Hall 1

    Wednesday, May 11th

    9:00AM – 11:00AM


    Student Union – Theater

    Time and Labor – Town Hall 2

    Friday, May 13th

    1:00PM – 3:00PM


    Student Union – Theater

    Please note: The Time and Labor Town Halls are not intended to provide training on entering time. The UConn/Core-CT HCM Integration project will provide training materials to all employees at a later date.


    For questions regarding the Time and Labor Town Halls, please contact:

    For more information, contact: HCM Project Team at