Training and Professional Development

  • 20-Minute Mentor: Make Tests Learning Tools

    Every week, Magna Publications provides UConn faculty members with access to a 20-minute video designed to answer a specific question related to teaching and learning.  This week’s program, “How Can I Transform My Tests into Learning Tools?” can be accessed at; use the following password: tools29

    Tests are effective tools for determining how well students learned (and how well you taught) earlier in the semester. But they don’t do much to help students learn in the present, or as the semester progresses. This program will provide you with an assortment of tools and techniques to promote better learning. Once you’ve viewed the program, you’ll know

    • The benefits of formative assessments
    • Which assessments are most helpful in improving student learning
    • Why giving more assessments doesn’t have to mean more work for you
    • How formative assessments can help you improve your pedagogy

    The video will be available from Monday, May 2, through Sunday, May 8, 2016.

    For more information, contact: Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at