Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Humanities Institute Announces 2016-17 Fellows

    The University of Connecticut Humanities Institute is pleased to announce its Residential Faculty and Dissertation Fellowship awards for 2016-17:

    External Faculty Fellowships:

    Robert T. Chase (History - Stony Brook University)

                            “Civil Rights on the Cell Block:  Prisoners’ Rights Movements and the Construction of Carceral States, 1945-1995”

     Leo J. Garafalo (History – Connecticut College)

                            “Forging a Place in the Spanish Empire:  Black European Sailors, Soldiers, and Traders to the Americas”      

    UConn Faculty Fellowships              

    Anna Mae Duane (English) - “Strange Place Blues:  The Unusual Education of Three African American Leaders”

     Mark Healey (History) – “Waterscapes of Power in the Dry Lands of Argentina, 1880-2000

     Daniel Hershenzon (Literatures, Cultures & Languages) – “Captivity, Commerce, and Communication:  Early Modern Spain and the


    Daniel Silvermint (Philosophy) – “Complicit Identities:  The Ethics of Looking Out for Yourself

     Christine Sylvester (Political Science) – “Objects of War: Whose Wars Are on View?”

     Dimitris Xygalatas (Anthropology) - “Homo Ritualis. Extreme Rituals as Social Technologies”


    UConn Dissertation Fellowships:

    Jeffrey R. Egan (History- Draper Fellowship Award) – “Watershed Decisions:  The Environmental History of the Quabbin Reservoir,  1880-1940”

    Melanie Meinzer (Political Science- Draper Fellowship Award) – “Contested Consciousness:  Foreign Aid and Palestinian Education in the West Bank and Jordan”

    Troy Messick   (Linguistics) – “The Morphosyntax of Self-Ascription:  A Cross-Linguistic Study”

    George Moore (English) – “The Return of Dagon: Failed Iconoclasm in Early Modern English Literature”

    For more information, contact: UCHI at