Special Events and Receptions

  • 4/1 Black Women's Political Engagement Workshop

    Join Sisters Inspiring Sisters (SIS) TODAY, Friday, April 1 at 4:00 PM in the African American Cultural Center Community Room for an interactive workshop focused on realizing your power. This workshop will empower young Black women to assess their realities and find meaningful and empowering solutions, and taking that power to make change in their community academics and life.  

    The workshop will be facilitated by Glynda Carr, co-founder of Higher Heights, an organization that seeks to elevate the voices of Black women to shape and advance progressive policies and politics. Creator of the #Blackwomenlead campaign, Glynda Carr will help students find ways to harness their power through grassroots advocacy campaigns and the electoral process. Higher Heights for America hopes to create an environment in which more Black women lead whether in school, communities, and politics. Particularly, Carr and Higher Heights want to empower Black women to increase political political leadership and hold policymakers to advance policies that prioritize the experiences and concerns of Black women. This workshop is a safe space for students that identify as Black women. For more information, see http://www.higherheightsforamerica.org/about_higher_heights.

    Please RSVP for the workshop by emailing uconnsis@gmail.com.

    For more information, contact: UConn SIS at uconnsis@gmail.com