Student Activities

  • AmeriCorps VISTA Program Opening

    Connecticut Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA Program

    Now Recruiting for 2016-2017

    Would you like to be part of a team working with the CT Main Street Center & UConn Extension to explore new solutions for downtown revitalization?  Interested in exploring the roles Universities can play in shaping neighborhoods & downtowns?


    The AmeriCorps VISTA program at Connecticut Campus Compact (CTCC) offers a great opportunity for individuals to join a cohort of service-driven colleagues to complete a year of service working with institutions of higher education and community-based organizations. The year of service is a great way to become involved in the community, develop professional and civic skills, and prepare for future work or education. The VISTA team member will work in the CT Main Street Center’s (CMSC) Hartford office researching and developing website content for a new Downtown Resource Center including innovative mixed use redevelopment strategies, identifying appropriate layout and design for a new web based resource, and developing a communications strategy including extensive use of social media. The VISTA will also work with CMSC, UConn Extension and CT Campus Compact to explore the roles universities can play in directly shaping neighborhoods and downtowns as drivers of economic development. Priority deadline for applications is May 1, 2016. Anticipated start date is July 11, 2016. For more information contact Laura Brown, UConn Extension: Or Susan Westa, CMSC: or go to:

    For more information, contact: Laura Brown, Extension at