Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/2 Shakespeare and Time

    UConn will host "Shakespeare and Time," the 15th Annual Undergraduate Shakespeare Conference on Saturday, April 2, at the Student Union rooms 304C, 303, and 304A. On-site registration starts at 9:30 am, sessions start at 10 am, plenary talk at 2 pm, awards celebration and CRT presentation at 3:45 pm, concludes at 4:45 pm. 

    This year's program features two public events: a plenary talk titled "'How Britain Fights': Shakespeare and World War II Film Propaganda" by Garrett Sullivan, Neag Visiting Professor in the Department of English (Professor of English, Penn State) and the last event of the day which may showcase cast and crew members of the Connecticut Repertory Theater's recent production of Twelfth Night as well as conversation with UConn Stamford Professor of English Pamela Brown, Shakespeare scholar and early modern theater critic/historian. 

    Conference registration is not required for the two public events. If interested in attending the full conference, register at the following site The fee for attenders (to include the full day's program and lunch) is $20. 

    Grateful thanks to our generous sponsors: The Department of English, the UCHI, and the Honors Program at UConn.

    For more information, contact: Elizabeth Hart at