Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/21 Midterm Evaluation of Teaching & Learning

    After returning from a well-deserved break, take a moment to reflect on your experience with one of your current courses. 
    Students are invited to complete a brief 5-10 minute survey regarding their learning experience in one course. Participation is anonymous, and there are no anticipated risks. Only students enrolled in at least one course are eligble to participate. 

    For more details or to complete the survey, please visit:

    Principal Investigator: Aarti Bellara, Ph.D.

    Student: William Estepar-Garcia

    Course Name and Number: EPSY 5621: Construction of Evaluation Instruments

    Title of Study: Developing the Student's Midterm Evaluation of Teaching and Learning survey:A learner-centered approach (UConn IRB, Protocol #H16-014)
    Thank you in advance for your time and participation!

    For more information, contact: William Estepar-Garcia at