Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • AVP of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

    To the University Community:

    Raghuraman Thulasi Kumar, Assistant Vice Provost of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, has left UConn for a new opportunity. In his nearly three years here, Kumar modernized the Office of Institutional Research and dramatically increased UConn's capacity for strong analytical decision-making, performance assessment, and data warehousing. He implemented Academic Analytics, improved our institutional research systems, and redesigned the institutional research website for optimal data acquisition and management of routine requests. We are very sorry to see Kumar go, but it is imperative that we continue to build on his successes and further enhance UConn's capabilities in business analytics, decision support, and performance measurement. To that end, a national search for a new leader of this important function and organization will begin immediately.

    The search committee will be chaired by Betsy McCoach, Professor and Chair of the Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment program in the Neag School of Education. We will be assisted the by executive search firm Isaacson, Miller.

    The members of the search committee are:

    Mark Boyer, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography

    Ofer Harel, Professor, Department of Statistics

    Jennifer Lease Butts, Assistant Vice Provost for Enrichment Programs

    Michael Mundrane, Vice Provost for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

    David Paquette, Technical Support Consultant, School of Business

    Mark Robbins, Professor and Department Head, Department of Public Policy

    A position announcement and information about how to apply or nominate candidates will be available soon on the following websites:

    Office of the Provost:

    Human Resources:  under “Executive Openings.”

    Meanwhile, for information about the search, please contact Connie Boyd at 860-486-0636 or


    Mun Choi

    Amy Donahue
    Vice Provost for Academic Operations 

    For more information, contact: Connie Boyd at