Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 3/10 UConn Symphony Orchestra Concert

    On Thursday March 10, the University of Connecticut School of Fine Arts presents an evening of symphonic music featuring the UConn Symphony Orchestra. The UConn Symphony, under the direction of Professor Harvey Felder, will present selections by Johann Stamitz, Giuseppe Verdi, Franz Danzi, and Richard Wagner. The soloists and special guests for the concert will be UConn graduate flute-performance student Allison Fletcher and undergraduate clarinet performance major Samuel Beckwith.

    The concert begins at 8:00 pm in von der Mehden Recital Hall. Tickets go on sale at 7:00 pm at the von der Mehden box office. General admission is $10, free for children and UConn students with a valid ID. Free and well-lit parking is across the street.

    For more information, contact: Harvey Felder at