Special Events and Receptions

  • 3/14 New England Dairy Conference

    We would like to invite you to the Annual Connecticut Dairy Conference on  Monday, March 14, 2016, at the Tolland Agricultural Center, Vernon, CT.  The program starts at 9 AM with a tradeshow and will conclude at 3 PM.


    This year Dr. Gabriella Varga, Professor Emeritus, Penn. State University will be our featured speaker. She is a nationally-recognized dairy nutritionist and her presentations will focus on the most critical period in a lactation cycle of a dairy cow; the pre- and post- partum period. In addition, Dr. Rachel Gately, DVM, Tufts University, will provide updates on the new FDA Feed Directives and the current status of antibiotic use for dairy cattle. Mr. Joe Bonelli, UConn Extension, will update the group on USDA Risk Management programs and initiatives.

    Please join us for an informative day of networking and presentations.


    Find more information including pre-registration forms and online signup here.

    Program Registration costs:

    Pre-payment $20.00

    Pay at the door $30.00

    Students $10.00

    Stop-in with no lunch $10.00

    For more information, contact: Sheila Andrew at Sheila.Andrew@UConn.edu 860-486-0803