Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

    The Graduate School encourages you to nominate graduate students for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) for Out-of-State Master’s Students in a terminal master’s degree track. TAP provides the differential between the in-state tuition for students enrolled in a terminal master's degree program and out-of-state tuition.

    To be eligible for this award a student must: 

    1. Not be appointed as a graduate assistant; 

    2. Be an out-of-state resident; 

    3. Be enrolled in a master's degree program that does not ordinarily lead to a doctorate in North American universities (e.g., MFA, MPA); and

    4. Be A U.S. citizen or permanent resident. 

      Awardees will be chosen on the basis of academic excellence, with evidence provided by a combination grade point average, GRE/GMAT score, and departmental/program recommendations. Each student chosen for participation in this program will be eligible for a maximum of four semesters of support paid by The Graduate School.  

      To nominate an outstanding graduate student in a terminal master’s degree track for a TAP award, please fill out the on-line application form by clicking here by March 4, 2016.  Since a rapid response will be crucial if we are to attract these students, we will begin making awards on or shortly after March 21, 2016.  The academic quality of the candidate is the prime criterion for an award, but we will also do our best to balance the awards across the various programs that participate.

    Further information is available online.
    -The Graduate School

    For more information, contact: Kelly Jones at 860-486-2182