Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 2/25 Chemistry Colloquium: Yunfeng Lu, UCLA


    The Chemistry Department presents:

    "Life is Good: A Journey from Energy Storage to Protein Therepeutics"
    Dr. Yunfeng Lu, UCLA
    Host: Dr. Jie He

    Thursday, February 25
    4:30: Refreshments
    4:45: Seminar
    CHEM A-203

    This seminar is free and open to the public.

    Abstract: Human civilization is associated with the harvest and utilization of solar energy. Driven by the massive use of fossil fuels, the first industrial revolution (mainly driven by coal) and the second industrial revolution (mainly driven by oil) have established the modern civilization yet with ecological deterioration.  Developing technologies that enable more effective harvest and storage of energy has emerged as one of the most essential topics. In this context, research work on the design and fabrication of better electrochemical devices (e.g., supercapacitors, batteries, and fuel cells) will be discussed, focusing on constructing more effective transport pathways for electrons and ions. Beyond the energy research, we recognize that living organisms are made from the basic elements (e.g., C, O, H, N and P), which consume energy and reproduce themselves through chemical transformations such as the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle. What differentiates the living organisms are their genomic codes, which govern the functions of the biomolecules (e.g., proteins) and biological systems. In this talk, research on design and fabrication of protein therapeutics will also be presented from the view of material design.

    For more Chemistry Department seminars, please see our full Spring 2016 Seminar Schedule.

    For more information, contact: Chemistry Department at 860-486-2012