Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAPondering - Keeping Strong During Tough Times

    A message from your Employee Assistance Program

    Who among us has never experienced difficult periods in life? An integral part of our human existence involves making it through loneliness, sad or challenging times, crises and crossroads all in one piece with our humanity – and sanity – intact.

    Amy Morin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do (Harper Collins 2014.) Here she offers some simple, concrete self-talk messages that neuroscience has demonstrated can significantly improve your resilience in order to help you weather any storm coming over your horizon.

    Follow, or copy and paste, the link (from below:

    Would you like to talk about this, or any other life issue? The UConn Employee Assistance Program provides confidential, free, professional consultation and brief counseling for faculty, staff, graduate assistants and eligible family members to help identify and resolve problems or concerns affecting you, your family or your job.

    Call for a private appointment.

    860-486-1307 Storrs Campus

    860-679-2877 Statewide

    800-852-4392 (CT toll-free)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at