Sales and Fundraisers

  • 2/20 Appalachia Spring Break Fundraising Dinner

    During their spring break, a group of 10 UConn students will be traveling to rural Eastern Kentucky. In collaboration with the Christian Appalachian Project (a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of the Appalachian people), they will be helping families in need to rebuild their homes. In order to make this opportunity a reality, they are seeking donations in any amount. No one receives any compensation and the entire trip is paid for with fundraising money, which includes transportation, housing, and meals for participants.

    You are invited to a fundraising dinner on Saturday, February 20, beginning at 5:30 pm, at the St. Thomas Aquinas Student Center (located behind the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel at 46 N. Eagleville Road). A $12 donation is requested. Tickets may be purchased upon arrival at the event. The menu includes roast pork loin with gravy, applesauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, and dessert.

    Come enjoy a delicious meal while helping these students and the Christian Appalachian Project in their mission. We hope to see you there!

    For more information, contact: Cody Resnick at