Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Parents of Young Children:Human Subjects Requested

    Feeding and activity messages for parents and caregivers of young children

    The University of Connecticut’s Department of Nutritional Sciences is seeking parents of children ages 0 to 2 years old to participate in an interview. The purpose of this study is to talk to parents individually in a semi private setting about nutrition and feeding their young child.  The one-time interview will be recorded and last up to 60 minutes at a local community or campus site during a convenient time.  Height and weight will also be measured or reported for the parent and the child.

    Who is eligible?

    • Mothers or Fathers (18 years and older) who have at least 1 child between the ages of 0 and 2 years old and have a primary responsibility in helping to feed their child
    • Able to speak English

    Parents may not directly benefit from this research.  However, we hope that the interviews can help us learn more about how parents feed their children and what educational messages are needed for future programs.

    Participants will receive a $20 gift card after the interview.

    To learn more about this project, please contact the Community Nutrition Research Office at the University of Connecticut at or 860-486-3681.

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Amy Mobley, RD in the Department of Nutritional Sciences ( and is funded by the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut. This research study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H15-301.



    For more information, contact: Community Nutrition Research Office at