Research, Funding, and Awards

  • OVPR Summary of Sponsored Program Activity/Awards

    The Office of the Vice President (OVPR) is pleased to provide the Quarterly Summary of Sponsored Program Services Activity, the Quarterly List of Sponsored Program Services Awards, and the NEW Quarterly List of Sponsored Program Services Proposals for the second quarter of FY16.  These reports include data regarding Proposals, Awards and Expenditures for both research and non-research sponsored projects at Storrs and UConn Health.  Data is presented in two ways: by the PI’s Academic Home Department and by the Managing Department or Center/Institute.  Please refer to the first pages of the reports for definitions/information regarding the data.

    The OVPR will continue to provide you with these reports on a quarterly basis throughout the fiscal year to ensure that faculty and university administrators receive accurate, up-to-date data regarding research activity at UConn/UConn Health.

    Should you have any questions regarding these quarterly reports, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at (860) 486-3619.

    For archived reports, please visit the OVPR Reports page.

    For more information, contact: Office of the Vice President for Research at 860-486-3619