Student Activities

  • Encourage students to run for an important office

    Dear UConn Faculty and Staff:

    This year, two students (an undergraduate and a graduate or professional student) will be elected to serve as student representatives to the UConn Board of Trustees.  I am sure you know students who could serve well in that role.  Please consider encouraging students to apply to run for the positions.

    Information about the position and application materials are available at under “2016 Elections.”  Click on “Board of Trustees” to access the election packet.  You can tell students that the first part of the application, “Intent to Run” is very short.  It is due Friday, February 5, 2016 at noon.  The second part of the application is a little longer.  It includes a candidate statement and signatures and is due February 12, 2016 at noon.

    Voting will take place on line from March 2th @9am - March 4th @ 5pm, 2016. 

    Thank you for letting students know about this opportunity.


    Christine M. Wilson, PhD

    Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs & Director of Student Activities


    For more information, contact: Christine Wilson at