Student Activities

  • Run for Student Rep to the Board of Trustees

    Dear UConn Students: 

    You have an opportunity to run for a very important position.

    Applications are currently available for those who want to run for Undergraduate AND Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Trustees (two positions).  All undergraduate students in the UConn system are eligible to run for the Undergraduate Student Rep position, and all graduate and professional students in the system are eligible to run for the Graduate Student Rep position.

    The first part of the application, “Intent to Run” is very short.  It is due Friday, February 5, 2016 at noon.  The second part of the application is a little longer.  It includes a candidate statement and signatures and is due February 12, 2016 at noon.

    Information about the position and application materials are available at under “2016 Elections.”  Click on “Board of Trustees.” to access the election packet.

    Voting will take place on line from March 2th @9am - March 4th @ 5pm, 2016.  Notices about voting will be sent when the polls open.

    If you have questions, please contact Christine Wilson (

    Thank you!

    Christine M. Wilson, PhD

    Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs & Director of Student Activities



    For more information, contact: Christine Wilson at