Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Grad Assistantships in Writing Center--Apply now

    Writing Center Graduate Openings for Fall 2016

    The Writing Center expects to have 2 graduate assistant openings for the 2016-17 academic year.  We welcome applicants from all departments (including the sciences) and from international graduate students. Applications are due by February 12, 2016.

    Candidates with a strong commitment to undergraduate education, interdisciplinary collaboration, and writing (both their own writing and the teaching of writing) will be competitive for these openings. Applicants should familiarize themselves with our philosophy and practices (start by browsing our website).

    Assistant Director | Full (20 hour/week) Assistantship
    Our two Assistant Directors are involved in all aspects of writing center administration. They serve on an administrative team that includes faculty (Tom Deans and Kathleen Tonry) and a program assistant (Margie Ouimette); they recruit, train, and mentor tutors; they run workshops; and they sustain our many partnerships across campus (with the library, FYE, CAP, athletics, academic departments). Assistant directors also do limited weekly hours as one-on-one tutors. Deans and Tonry offer mentoring in all these duties, as well as in research. Successful candidates must have a deep commitment to undergraduate education, interdisciplinarity, peer tutoring, and the intellectual work of teaching of writing. They also need to be capable and creative project managers.

    Graduate Writing Support Coordinator | Full (20 hour/week) Assistantship
    Part of our core administrative team, this person leads our efforts to support graduate writers across campus. Specific duties include teaching three 5-week seminars/workshops in academic writing, advising graduate students, doing individualized tutoring, and organizing both writing retreats and dissertation bootcamps. Successful candidates will be creative and organized project managers; they must also have a commitment to the intellectual work of teaching of writing and to working across disciplines, languages, and cultures.

    Both GA positions officially begin in fall 2016, but successful candidates would be invited to work a few paid hours per week during spring 2016 and/or summer 2016 to learn from the current GAs.

    For more information, and the online application, please go to
    For more information, contact: Tom Deans at