Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 1/29 Geography Colloquium: Abigail Neely

    Thinking about Health from the South: Witchcraft and the Limits of Social Medicine


    Abigail H. Neely

    Department of Geography, Dartmouth College




    January 29


    CLAS 434


    In this talk Professor Neely will sketch the main argument of the book she is completing, tentatively titled Witchcraft and Wellness: Rethinking Social Medicine from South Africa.  In the book, Professor Neely examines an important -- and successful -- social medicine program developed in South Africa and exported around the world.  Focusing on its failures as well as its successes, she argues first that the health center's inability to recognize witchcraft illnesses ultimately limited its success, and second that by examining witchcraft illnesses, we can learn much about health more broadly  Co-sponsored by the Program on the Environment.


    Professor Neely’s talk is co-sponsored by University of Connecticut Environmental Studies.


    For more information, contact: Bill Berentsen/Geography at