Training and Professional Development

  • 1/29 CHIP Accepting Grantsmanship Workshop Applications

    2016 CHIP Grantsmanship Training Workshop for Health Behavior Researchers


    This six-session workshop is being offered on Fridays (February 19, 26; March 4, 11, 25; and April 1) from 12pm to 2pm beginning on February 19th. The workshop will be held in the Colloquium Room (first floor) of the J. Ray Ryan building at UConn Storrs. Lunch will be provided at each session.

    In this interactive workshop you will learn the steps of developing a competitive grant proposal in health behavior, including identifying a fundable idea, determining which funders are the most likely to fund your idea, writing a winning grant application, and responding to agency feedback. The workshop will be facilitated by senior level health researchers from UConn with stellar records of obtaining external funding. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to apply for a year-long mentorship by a senior level researcher.

    To be eligible for this workshop, you must:

    • Be a faculty member at UConn Storrs, UConn Health, or one of the branch campuses (graduate students are not eligible).
    • Have an interest in conducting research in health behavior or health behavior change.
    • Never have been awarded a large external grant of greater than $100,000 per year (the total award across all years can exceed $100,000 but the per year award must be no more than $100,000); faculty who have received R21 and/or K01 awards are eligible.
    • Submit an application and a copy of your curriculum vita by January 29, 2016.
    To apply, please follow this link to the Grantsmanship Training Workshop Application Form.
    PLEASE NOTE: Enrollment in this workshop is limited to a maximum number of participants. Faculty will be accepted into the workshop on a first-come, first-served basis.
    For more information, contact: Debbie Cornman at 860-208-3035