Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Opportunity to Engage in Paid Research

    We are looking for assessors in education, psychology, or related fields to collect data for our Preschool Evaluation Project (PEP). The position would consist of administering assessment measures to preschool and kindergarten students in the areas of reading and math using the PPVT and certain measures of the WIV Achievement and Oral language batteries.  Assessors will also be responsible for scoring the protocols using the online scoring system.  


    We will be assessing students across the state of Connecticut until February 29th and paying $60 per case. Administration and scoring time should be around 1.5- 2 hours per student, and we ask that you complete at least 4 assessments a week. 


    Direct experience with the assessment measures is not necessary, as a mandatory training will be held during the week of January 18th. However, completion of at least one assessment course is recommended (but not required).


    If you are interested, please email the study email at uconn.pep.2015@gmail.comIn the email, please include your name, phone number, and town(s) in which you currently reside. We make every attempt to place assessors at schools within 30-40 minutes of home (or less), so information about where you live is helpful for the scheduling process. 


    Thank youand we look forward to hearing from you! 


    Tiffany K. Polk - Graduate Assistant 

    Jesslynn Rocha Neves - Graduate Assistant 

    Dr. Tamika La Salle - (860) 486-5329 

    Project Coordinators, PEP 


    The data collection for this project is being conducted under the direction of Dr. Tamika La Salle and Dr. Hannah Dostal at the University of Connecticut.

    For more information, contact: The PEP email at