Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Spring 2016 CLAS DST Award Annoucement

    Dean Teitelbaum has provided The Graduate School with a limited amount of Doctoral Student Travel (DST) funding for CLAS doctoral students who plan on “actively participating” in a domestic or international conference, symposia, seminary, colloquia or workshop sponsored by a professional society during the time frame of January 15, 2016 and June 30, 2016.

    Two of the major eligibility requirements for the Spring 2016 CLAS DST award is that the traveler must certify that he/she has successfully completed at least 30 credits towards his/her degree program and certify that he/she has not received a prior DST award (in any amount). 

    CLAS doctoral students are allowed to and encouraged to apply for the Spring 2016 CLAS DST award as early as possible, even if the request for funding is conditional and in anticipation of being accepted.

    Please see DST guidelines for a complete list of eligibility requirements, award amounts, eligible expenses, selection criteria, important information and the Spring 2016 CLAS DST application.

    Please note that travel funds are NOT guaranteed to any student who applies for an award. 


    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at 860-486-3617