Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAPondering: Worst Mistakes to Make at Work

    While it is safe to say that most of us strive to do our very best most of the time, imperfection is an inevitable facet of the human condition. As a result mistakes made along the way – even major ones - are generally taken in stride and accepted by those to whom we are accountable, whether at home or in the workplace. In fact, errors are often welcomed on the learning curve as an integral part of the process of acquiring a new experience or skill.

    Some mistakes, however, are more damaging than others. The article referenced below highlights 9 personal/professional choices that can be devastating to one’s reputation or job, as they have a clear tendency to hurt others, negatively impact professional relationships and compromise team dynamics. Copy and paste the link below:

    “The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Make at Work” by Dr. Travis Bradberry (Huffington Post)

    If you would like to talk about an issue affecting your life or work, Employee Assistance is a safe, supportive place to start. Call today, or visit our web page:

    The UConn Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential, free, professional consultation and brief counseling for faculty, staff and graduate assistants to help identify and resolve any concerns affecting you, your family or your job.

    And remember, household members are eligible, too!

    Call us. We’re right here.

    Ext. 1307 Storrs Campus

    860-679-2877 Statewide – 24 hours

    800-852-4392 (CT toll-free)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at