Important University-Wide Announcements

  • Public Presentations/Candidates; Neag School Dean

    On behalf of the Search Committee, I am proud to announce that three outstanding Dean of Neag School of Education candidates will be visiting campus in the coming days, and I write to invite you to attend the upcoming public forums, where each candidate will make a brief presentation about their views on what makes Schools of Education most successful, what sorts of things Schools of Education should emphasize, how they can attain and maintain success and prominence in research, teaching, and service, what the major challenges in the field of Education are, and what unique contribution Schools of Education can make. They will also tell us how they believe their background and skills position them to be dean. Most of the forum will be dedicated to conversation with those in attendance. Public participation is essential to the interview process, and I, on behalf of the Provost, request your attendance at these forums and your subsequent feedback.

    Candidate CVs, feedback surveys, and links to the recorded public forums, if you are unable to attend, are available here.     Please note that users will need to log in with a NETID and password to access the candidate materials.


    o    Candidate 1: Casey Cobb        Wednesday, December 2nd, 1:00 - 2:15, Gentry Room 142/144

    o    Candidate 2: Randy Bomer      Thursday, December 3rd, 1:15 - 2:30, Gentry Room 142/144

    o    Candidate 3: Gladis Kersaint   Tuesday, December 8th, 1:15 - 2:30, Gentry Room 142/144


    Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important process, and we welcome your feedback and involvement in the process.




    John Elliott

    Dean of the School of Business

    Chair, Dean of the Neag School of Education Search Committee

    Connie Boyd at

    For more information, contact: Connie Boyd at