Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/6 ARE Seminar Series: Omer Hoke

    Omer Hoke

    Ph.D Candidate, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

    University of Connecticut


    The Effect of Early ACA Expansion of Medicaid on Mental Health


    Abstract: This article examines the effect of insurance coverage on mental health outcomes by exploiting variation in the timing of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. I compare self-reported mental and physical health between individuals in seven states that enacted more generous Medicaid eligibility guidelines before the federal deadline set in the ACA with individuals in variously defined control groups. Results show that while Medicaid expansion improves mental health, it does not have a statistically significant effect on physical health in the short-run. Furthermore, the benefits of Medicaid expansion on mental health status are evident between the passage of ACA in 2010 and the actual implementation of Medicaid expansion. This suggests that insurance coverage may improve mental health status by relieving the stress associated with being uncovered.


    DATE:  Friday, November 6, 2015

    TIME:    12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

    PLACE: W.B. Young Bldg., Rm. 327

    For more information, contact: Tatiana Andreyeva at