Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/3 All-Day Grad Writing Retreat

    The UConn Writing Center is offering a day-long writing retreat for graduate students to power through your writer's block or catch up on a stalled project.

    Carving out time to do academic writing during the semester can be tough.  But finding a place to do it doesn't have to be. Simply writing in the presence of others can bring a surprising sense of solidarity and productivity. No tutoring, no instruction, just you, your project, and dozens of other graduate students doing the same hard work. This is simply a space to write among colleagues and friends and share the motivation of the group effort. 

    Arrive with the project you are working on, your laptop, and any notes or books you may need. Bring a lunch or plan to buy on campus, but we'll provide the coffee, tea, hot chocolate and other fuel. (GSS has generously provided the funding to keep you writing all day.)

    Write. Drink coffee. Write more. Feel good about all of the writing you got done. 
    Event Details:
    When: Saturday, October 3rd, from 10am to 5pm.
    Where: Oak Hall 101
    Advance registration is required, but only takes a second. Please follow this link to sign up:
    For more information, contact: Patrick Lawrence at