Training and Professional Development

  • 10/12 eCampus Support for New Online Courses Summer 2016

    Teaching a New Online Courses in Summer 2016?  Submit Your Support Requests to UConn eCampus.

    Faculty interested in creating and teaching new online courses for Summer 2016 are encouraged to submit support requests to UConn’s eCampus by October 12, 2015. eCampus provides a range of support services including facilitated online training, one-on-one consultations, self-guided tutorials, and comprehensive instructional design services. The request process allows eCampus to identify interested faculty and provide them with the most appropriate solution to their pedagogical and technological needs.

    All courses will be considered for support; however, priority will be given to courses fitting in the categories of high demand, high enrollment, and general education courses.

    More details as well as forms and contact information can be found at

    For more information, contact: Desmond McCaffrey at 860-486-3121