Training and Professional Development

  • 10/22 No-Cost Graduate Writing Seminar

    Apply by October 1, 2015 for Full Consideration for this Session

    The University Writing Center is offering no-cost seminars in academic writing for UConn graduate students. Learning to write well takes time, commitment, and experience, and while no single course can do the job alone, this 5-week seminar will give participants guided practice in becoming more skilled writers of research and scholarship. Students must come with a working project (for example, a dissertation chapter, journal article, grant proposal, or course paper) because they will apply the strategies covered in class to that ongoing project throughout the five weeks.

    While there will be some direct instruction and individual conferences, the seminars will adopt neither a lecture nor skills-and-drills format. Instead, the seminars will function as an interactive workshop to share your writing experiences, concerns, and strategies--and to pick up new ones.

    These free seminars do not carry UConn academic credit, nor are they graded. We simply aim to help graduate students improve their writing in ways that will serve them well in their academic careers.

    The next session will be held October 22nd through November 19th, on Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm.

    For more information and to apply, please visit


    These seminars are made possible through funding from the Graduate School and the University Writing Center. Other opportunities for graduate writing support include: individualized tutorials, graduate writing retreats, dissertation boot camps, and workshops. For details on graduate writing support please visit our website:

    For more information, contact: Patrick Lawrence at