Student Activities

  • 9/28 Speaker on Sexual Assault Awareness

    Consider having your students join us for a lecture by Stacey Lannert, a powerful individual who shares her own story of overcoming sexual assault as a child. Please spread the word. The event will be on Monday, September 28th at 7PM in the Student Union Theatre.

    Strong, hopeful and charismatic, Stacey Lannert doesn't just speak about overcoming childhood sexual abuse. She connects with her audience. Viewers feel her pain and, most importantly, her triumph. Stacey was recently released from prison where she served 18 years for fatally shooting the man who raped her from ages 8 through 18. That man was her father. Stacey never lost her ability to love life and learn from it even though she was sentenced to life without parole.

    Though locked up, Stacey was already emotionally free. Through the power of love and forgiveness, she created a meaningful life for herself from behind bars. She helped troubled teens find strength to tell their stories of abuse through a program called Outreach. She even helped two of them prosecute their abusers. Stacey also trained therapy dogs for handicapped people through the non-profit organization called C.H.A.M.P.S. While she was making the world a better place, she was also focused on forgiving.”

    For more information, contact: SUBOG Arts Committee at