Training and Professional Development

  • 9/25 Clicking with Prezi

    Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


    Lunchtime Seminar

    Providing an opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to gather with colleagues to listen, discuss, comment, interact and reflect on a variety of topics to enhance teaching and learning.

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers the following workshop:

    Clicking with Prezi
    Jamie Kleinman, Psychological Science and Steven McDermott, CETL-IRC
    Prezi is a cloud-based presentation system that allows users to create engaging multi-media presentations. Jamie Kleinman, recently selected to be a part of the Prezi Educators Society, will demonstrate how she uses Prezi to create dynamic learning experiences that utilize student poling systems. Participants will have an opportunity to use i<clickers first hand and discover how clicker systems facilitate the creation of an active, agile, and enhanced classroom environment.

    Friday, September 25th
    ROWE Center, room 318

    A boxed lunch will be provided.  If you have special dietary needs (vegetarian, gluten free, or both) please e-mail Stacey Valliere.  Requests made within 7 days of seminar will not be honored.

    Registration is required.

    To register and view more workshops, please visit

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at