Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • HDI Announcement

    I am pleased to announce the transition of the Ethel Donaghue Center for Translating Research into Practice and Policy (TRIPP) to focus on the Bioscience CT legislative mandate (CT §10a-109b (2011)) to support the development of a health disparities institute (HDI) sponsored by The University of Connecticut that will enhance research and the delivery of care to minority and medically underserved populations of the state.”  TRIPP is a Type II Research Center at UConn Health, reporting directly to me.  This redesign of TRIPP provides the HDI with an academic home within the University and brings staff, administrative support and infrastructure to the effort.  Dr. Judith Fifield, professor in Family Medicine, founding director of TRIPP and the Interim Director of the HDI will be continuing as the director of the new redesigned TRIPP that now includes HDI. Dr. Victor Villagra, assistant professor in Medicine, will be the associate director of TRIPP.

    TRIPP is currently located at 195 Farmington Ave. 

    Bruce T. Liang, MD

    Dean, School of Medicine

    For more information, contact: Meg Beckwith at