Training and Professional Development

  • 8/31 Start the Semester Off Write

    This fall, the Writing Center will offer brief writing retreats to get graduate students off to a strong start. Modeled after our own successful weekend writing retreats and dissertation boot camps, these weekly, shorter retreats feature a space to write and an excuse to do it. The Writing Center recognizes that writing in big bursts of energy can be helpful–but that smaller, weekly commitments can help form good writing habits throughout the year. We challenge you to commit to 4 weeks of early morning Monday writing to start the semester off right.

    The retreats will run on Mondays from 9 – 11 a.m. for the first 4 Mondays of the semester (8/31, 9/14, 9/21 & 9/28–please note there is no retreat on Labor Day, 9/7).

    They will take place in the Music Library Seminar Room.

    These retreats require advance registration. For the registration link and additional info, please visit


    For more information, contact: Pat Lawrence at