Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Accelerate UConn: Entrepreneurial Funding Workshop

    Join Accelerate UConn for a half day, interactive workshop to learn the basics of the Business Model Canvas.

    Participants will be exposed to the origins of this approach, learn how it differs from traditional forms of business planning, and will actively participate in group activities to learn how to better test assumptions about customer discovery.

    Register for one of our Business Model Canvas workshops:

    • August 27, 2015
      UConn Health, Cell & Genome Science Building
      400 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT
      Breakfast and lunch will be served.
    • September 3, 2015
      UConn, Advanced Technology Lab,
      1392 Storrs Road, Storrs, CT
      Lunch will be served. Followed by BBQ networking event 5:00-7:00pm

    REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Click to register.

    Accelerate UConn is designed to inspire faculty, post docs, and/or students to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. The program provides minor seed funding to winning teams, and is jointly operated by the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Visit to learn more.

    For more information, contact: Accelerate UConn at