Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/6 LANGSA Grad Student Conference

    VI Annual Languages Graduate Student Association Conference

    University of Connecticut


    At the Crossroads: Mapping Dichotomies in Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

    Date: November 6, 2015

    Venue: Thomas J. Dodd Research Center

    This year’s LANGSA conference aims to explore how space intersects with literatures, cultures, and languages. This event seeks to investigate space as a broad category, from the physical to the abstract, as a locale where different realities merge, co-exist or collide. Papers with a focus on mapping space in a variety of mediums, styles, and forms are encouraged. Contributions which consider the metaphorical or intersemiotic mapping of identity, ideas, or images across space and time are particularly welcome.

    We encourage submissions across all disciplines that engage with space as a complex ground for connecting, hybridizing, or confronting realities. In addition to languages, literatures, and cultural studies, relevant fields may include the following: architecture, fine arts, art history, cognitive science, digital media studies, education, environmental studies, film studies, gender studies, geography, history, human rights, journalism, linguistics, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, and theater, among others.


    Relevant themes and topics may include but are not limited to:


    • Anthropological approaches to literatures and cultures

    • Borders: physical, psychological or cultural boundaries

    • Cartography

    • Comparative literature

    • Cognitive linguistics

    • Diaspora, displacement and migration

    • Digital media and design

    • Eco-criticism

    • Family Studies

    • Film and media studies

    • Human rights and territories

    • Identity studies and/or identity politics

    • Language, society and territories

    • Law and demarcations

    • Literature and other arts

    • Medieval studies and history

    • Memory and space

    • Multilingual cultures and literatures

    • Pop culture

    • Post-colonial studies

    • Science fiction and fantasy worlds

    • Travel literature

    • Urban geography

    • Virtual reality and videogames

    • Women and gender studies

    • Area studies, including (but not limited to): Latin American Studies, Asian American Studies, Indian Studies, Chinese Studies, Eastern European Studies, Africana Studies, etc.

    We welcome abstracts of individual papers or proposals for panels of 3 papers in English. Individual presentations will be limited to 15 minutes (7 double-spaced pages maximum), and panels to 45 minutes. Abstracts must have a title, contain between 100-200 words, and follow MLA style. They must also be accompanied by the following information: author’s name, affiliation, e-mail address, a telephone number, and a short biography.

    Please send abstracts to by Monday, September 7, 2015

    For more information, contact: LANGSA at