Research, Funding, and Awards

  • FEI Fellowships Announced July 14

    Six FEI Fellowships have been awarded to UCONN graduate students starting August 2015. These Fellowships are provided by FEI through the new UCONN FEI Center of Excellence in Electron Microscopy. These students will learn to operate new FEI microscopes for use in their research programs. Students, their advisors, and the titles of their projects are given below.

    • Snehasis Bhakta working with Professor Jim Rusling of the Chemistry Department will work on “Artificial Antibody Binding Pockets on Magnetic Nanoparticle Supports using Surface Molecular Imprinting”.
    • Jinjing Liu working with Professor Luyi Sun of the Polymer Program & CBE will work on “Polymer and Polymer/Inorganic Composites”. 
    • Jian Ren working with Professor Jeff McCutcheon of CBE will focus on “Thin Film Composite Membranes for Osmosis”.
    • Sravan Thota working with Professor Jing Zhao of Chemistry will study Hollow Alloy Nanorods for Catalytic Applications.”
    • Sibo Wang working with Professor Puxian Gao of MSE will work on “Nanoarray Monolithic Catalysts”.
    • Wei Wu working with Professor Michael Pettes of Mechanical Engineering will focus on TEM based In Situ Structure Mechanical Electrical Thermal Metrology Tools for Two Dimensional Nanomaterials.

    Congratulations to all of these students and their advisors on being awarded FEI Fellowships.

    For more information, contact: IMS at 486-4623