Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Accelerate UConn: Business Model Canvas Workshops

    Accelerate UConn’s mission is to catalyze entrepreneurial teams whose technology concepts are likely candidates for commercialization. AU provides educational programming based on the Lean Launchpad business model, along with seed grants of up to $3,000 for customer discovery work.  AU is also the first step in a pathway to University supported proof of concept grants for up to $30,000, and ultimately $50,000 from the NSF I-Corps Teams program — even if your technology was not funded by NSF!

    AU and I-Corps participation can greatly enhance the likelihood of SBIR grants and CT Innovation early stage program funding as well. To learn more about the program, please visit

    We will be holding a half-day educational workshop on both August 27th in Farmington and on September 3rd in Storrs entitled “Developing New Business Models with the Business Model Canvas.” The Storrs session will be followed by an end-of-summer BBQ for networking and team development. During these workshops, participants will be exposed to the basics of the Business Model Canvas and Customer Discovery, and will begin to learn how to apply these concepts to their own ventures. To register for one of the workshop sessions and/or the BBQ, please visit Click here to register for the Accelerate UConn program.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!


    The Accelerate UConn Team


    Accelerate UConn is jointly implemented by the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

    For more information, contact: Accelerate UConn at