Human Resources and Benefits

  • Department of Human Resources Update

    Human Resources has recently initiated a reorganization, centered around a process improvement initiative with the goals of enhancing customer service and making it easier to do business with HR.

     Key components of this change include: 

    • Organizing HR staff and work into teams to foster greater service delivery integration across all areas of HR, changing the functional, specialist model to a generalist, interdisciplinary model, structured to meet known customer needs.
    • Establishing a customer service center which serves as the main conduit for intake, assignment, general response and tracking of customer requests, including directing phone calls to the HR main phone line 860-486-3034 and e-mail to the central HR e-mail inbox
    • Developing and implementing a new HR web-site that prioritizes information based on high-request customer needs and presents this information where customers expect to find it.

    HR is committed to maintaining a focus on improving our quality of customer service and operational efficiency for the long term.  Our efforts, beginning with this organizational change, have just begun.  Should you have any questions about our department or services, please feel free to contact me directly or any HR staff member for assistance.

    Aliza C. Wilder


    For more information, contact: Human Resources at 860-486-3034/