Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Humanities Institute Fellowship Awards 2015-16

    The University of Connecticut Humanities Institute is pleased to announce its Fellowship Awards for 2015-16:

    External Faculty Fellowships  

    Peter Constantine         “Translation and annotation of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s autobiography

                                                Between the Millstones”                              

    Joshua Schechter           “Reasoning and Rationality:  The Epistemology of our Most Basic Patterns                                                                        of Inference”

    UConn Faculty Fellowships  

    César Abadía-Barrero   “Health Ruins: From Post-Colonial to Post Neoliberal ‘Medical Care’ in  


    Susan Einbinder            “Eleh Ezkerah:  Trauma and Medieval Jewish Literature”

    Hassanaly Ladha           “The Idea of Africa:  Hegel, Architecture, and the Political Subject”

    Diane Lillo-Martin        “Sign Language Acquisition:  Archiving and Sharing”

    Natalie Munro               “A 30,000 year history of human foraging and farming in the Aegean:  the view    

                                               from Franchthi Cave, Greece”

    Brad Simpson                “The First Right: Self Determination and the Transformation of International


    Peter Zarrow                 “The Utopian Impulse in Modern Chinese Political Thought, 1890-1940”           

    Dissertation Fellowships

    Joanna A. MacGugan    “Competing authorities and contested spaces:  Dying in Dublin in the reign of Edward I”

    Christiana Salah             “The Popular Invention of the Victorian Governess, 1815-2015”

    Draper Dissertation Fellowships


    Hilary Bogert-Winkler   “Prayerful Protest and Clandestine Conformity:  Alternative Liturgies and the   Book of Common Prayer in Interregnum England”

    Allison B. Horrocks         “The Family and the Home as the Nursery of Humanity”:  Flemmie Kittrell and the International Politics of Home Economics



    For more information, contact: uchi at 486-9057