Training and Professional Development

  • Preparing for Final Exams Teaching at a Glance

    What does an effective final exam look like?  Have you asked yourself what—of all the material, processes, and procedures you have taught this semester—should actually show up on the final exam?  What should be assessed? Knowledge and comprehension?  Analytical skills?  The ability to evaluate and synthesize information?  Take a look at your course goals and student-learning outcomes to ensure that you are testing students on what you really want them to know or do.    

    What will you do if students request a make-up final exam?  Perhaps you didn’t realize that students may be officially excused from their finals, requiring you to administer a make-up exam.  When students are forced to miss a final examination due to illness, accident, death in the family, or other unavoidable reasons, they can receive approval from the Dean of Students Office to arrange another exam time with their instructor.  Students are also excused from exams that are “bunched.”  Talk with your department head to find out the policy on administering make ups.  It helps to know the policy and have a plan, just in case. 

    What are the policies regarding students with disabilities?  If you have students who are registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) and are approved for exam accommodations regarding final exams, please speak with them as soon as possible.  If you cannot provide the testing accommodations for which a student is approved by the CSD, you’ll need to collaborate with your student to complete and submit a “CSD Exam Administration Form” to the CSD office no later than three business days before the exam. Contact the CSD Exam Team at or call 486-2020 to discuss questions or concerns.

    How do iTV instructors administer final exams?  UConn recognizes that you can’t be in two places at once.  If you teach an iTV course and need a final-exam proctor for a remote location, visit Contacts for proctors at the regional campuses for information.


    For more information, contact: the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at