Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Critical&Creative Thinking-Enrolling Participants

    Are you currently a teacher, have been a teacher in the past, or currently are completing student teaching? If so, please consider taking part in the survey opportunity below on the effects of teaching critical and creative thinking.

    Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking Survey (TCCT-PG)

    Principal Investigator: Tawnya Knupp, Ph.D.

    Student: Rebecca O'Brien 

    Course Name and Number: EPSY 5621: Construction of Evaluation Instruments (#H12-024)

    Title of Study:  Perceptions of Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking   

    I am a graduate student at the University of Connecticut, and am conducting this survey as part of my course work. I am interested in finding out in what ways teaching critical and creative thinking skills affects student behavior.

    Your participation in this study will require completion of a questionnaire. This should take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time. Your participation will be anonymous, and you will not be contacted again in the future; this survey does not involve any risk to you.

     I will be happy to answer any questions you have about this study. If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact me, Rebecca O'Brien at or my instructor, Tawnya Knupp at (860) 486-3721.

    I appreciate you taking the time to complete the following survey. Thank you.

    • This study has been approved by the UCONN IRB, Protocol #H12-024.


    For more information, contact: Rebecca O\\\'Brien at